Monday, July 29, 2013

Vietnam- Some of the first things you notice

The traffic- motorbikes and more motorbikes!
Watch where you go! There are more bikes than you may imagine, some with a family of four on, others with people holding crazy things, like a pane of glass. 

When crossing, if there are no traffic lights, don't count on people stopping! You are best to weave in and out of the bikes (avoid the taxis, who plow on regardless, just beeping). Take a deep breath and cross slowly-just don’t stop!

Smiley and helpful people.
Just a couple of examples from my first day: when I went to the station and saw people had a ticket to get their place, I asked a guy where he got his from and he smiled and handed me one of his tickets- no idea why he had two, but nice of him anyway! Later on, I was wandering trying to find a laundry place, a girl asked if she could help and I explained what I needed. She checked with someone then walked me all the way there and only coming back did she explain she had low vision, yet she had gone out of her way.

Temples and Churches


Miniature plastic tables and chairs by the roadside

Don't be surprised when the pavement gets turned into a restaurant. Places to eat transport their seating and this is easily done with such tiny tables and chairs out of lightweight plastic.

People’s way of reacting to the sun and heat

Some men raise their shirts above their midriff, others sleep on their bikes, 
The women cover up to avoid the sun on their skin as pale skin is viewed as beautiful- some even go as far as wearing gloves and socks. Maybe I should try it before I become an old wrinkly! 

Last but not least- as soon as you leave the City- the beautiful countryside

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